All posts by Sarah Robinson

3 Years As A Published Author 🎉

Today marks exactly 3 years since my very first book was published!! 🙌🏻 It had a completely different cover that was awful (I’m going to post a #tbt of that next! 😬) and it barely sold its first month, but I was more than thrilled just for those few! Still am!! 🙈
Now, 3 years later, I’m two weeks from turning 27 years old and I have 8 books published with 2 more being published by the end of this year. 📚 Ive hit some amazing bestseller lists and sold more copies than I ever thought possible. 🎉 I’ve written 11 books total and even sold audio rights to 3 books, with the first audiobook coming out 2 days ago! 🎶
But it hasn’t been easy and it’s not all rainbows! 🌈 I’ve also spent the last 3 years working 80 hour weeks, learning marketing and digital medias, and hybrid publishing. 🤓 I made a loss my first two years, but finally a normal salary in my third (thank you, baby Jesus). 💸 I’ve worked unbelievably hard and every part of it has been worth it. That’s why I’m taking this moment to look back and appreciate everything that has gotten me here and everything I’ve sacrificed to do it. I’m giving myself a pat on the back today-something I rarely do- because #selflove rocks. 💞
I can’t wait to see where another 3 years takes me! Thank you to every reader who gave my books a chance, every author who gave me a helping hand, and every blogger who supported me and shared my work.
This is for you, guys. 🍾🍾🍾🍾


[This post was originally published on Sarah’s Facebook profile here. Please follow her there (or on her page) for the most up to date information. For book information, please subscribe to her newsletter here.]

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Breaking a Legend Now on Audio


Headphones and smartphone. Isolated on white background

The Kavanagh’s Are Officially On Audio

Breaking a Legend is officially available on audio today! Eeks!! To celebrate, I’ll be posting something fun in my Facebook Fan Club, so join to see what’s happening!

In the meantime, grab your own copy of Breaking a Legend on audio today! There’s tons of options, so check out what works best for you! Also, I have no idea why the prices vary so wildly, sorry about that! They’re all the same, except the CD’s are actual CD’s and the others are audio files.

Amazon Audio CD ($24.99): Purchase here
Amazon Audible (1 credit or $18.61): Purchase here or here
Tantor Audio CD ($30.39 + shipping): Purchase here
Tantor MP3-CD ($12.50): Purchase here
iTunes/iBooks ($22.95): Purchase here
*prices as of 9/6/16, may be subject to change

If you haven’t already, check out my interview with the Kavanagh’s narrator, Chuck Constant, here!

Subscribe to Sarah’s newsletter so you don’t miss out on any news!

Don’t Forget to Preorder the Upcoming Kavanagh Audiobooks!

Breaking a Legend on Audio – NOW LIVE!
Saving a Legend on Audio – Coming Oct 18, 2016
Becoming a Legend on Audio – Coming Dec 13, 2016

Breaking a Legend is already available as a digital e-book, so grab it today and you wont have to wait. Purchase it here!

Breaking a Legend_Robinson-2

So, is Saving a Legend! Grab the ebook of that here!

FINAL Saving a Legend Cover

You can preorder the digital ebook of Becoming a Legend now, because it releases on the same day as the audio! Check it out here.

Becoming a Legend_Robinson



This One Is For The Little Guys



I posted a status today asking the “little guys” to share about their books. To be honest, I was floored by the responses. My notifications blew up within minutes and I realized that while I may still feel like a little guy at heart, that’s not really the case anymore. There’s a lot of authors struggling, and that hurts my heart.
I remember the anxieties and pains from that period of time though, and I still feel them! So, I wanted to get real with you guys for a minute about what my career’s been like and what it’s taken to get there. Hopefully it will encourage other “little guys” to keep going, keep trying, keep writing.
There’s a reason why we do this, and there is a path to success but each of ours is different. If any other authors feel like posting in the comments about their journeys to help inspire, or vent, feel free! This is just one person’s experience, but it’s a different road for all of us. ❤️
In 2013, I published my first book through self publishing at age 24.
In 2016, I now have 8 published, but 11 written.
Out of those, 7 are self-pubs and 3 are traditionally published (with more to come).
My dream was always to write for Random House, and I signed a contract for 6 books with Penguin Random House in 2014.
My next book comes out Oct 4 (self-pub), and Dec 13 (traditional).
It took writing 7 books before I was proud of my writing.
In 2012, I got my Masters and began working as a therapist in a sexual offender rehabilitation programs in a jail.
In 2013 and 2014, I worked full time but started writing, plus an additional separate part time job of writing resumes.
In 2015, I worked 2 part time jobs outside of writing.
In 2016, I work 1 part time job outside of writing, plus some freelance work and consulting. I also now fully support my household due to my partner’s job change.
During all 4 years, I’ve averaged 60-80 hours of work per week.
I haven’t taken a vacation. I didn’t get a honeymoon. I have never taken a full weekend off. I normally work all 7 days a week.
I write at least 20,000 words a week minimum, and I do all my own marketing at night. I do not have an assistant.
I only go out with friends once a month, if that. I turn down events all the time and forget promises I make people regularly.
I don’t have kids yet, which helps with time, but I’ve had several miscarriages and am actively trying to adopt/get pregnant.
I have date nights, even if its just on the couch, because we need that time. When a friend needs me, I’m always there–work never comes first.
I spend half a day every week cooking and shopping for the rest of the week. My husband cleans the house because I just can’t even.
I watch television because it’s fun and I want to, and I don’t feel guilty if I’m doing something that isn’t work or writing.
I spend at least 15 minutes a day screaming and running in circles around my house with the dogs, playing. I call it my exercise.
I read at least 2-3 books a week.
I cry at least 2x a week about whether or not I’ll ever reach my dreams, or be able to afford…life.
In 2013 and 2014, I netted a profit loss on my books. I think it was by -$8k the first year, and -$3k the second year, but I don’t fully remember.
In 2015, I made +$8,000 profits from my books.
In 2016, I made +$8,000 in January alone, and while it’s always up and down throughout the year, by the end of the 2016, I’m projected to net a “normal” salary for my work.
In 2017, I hope to do 1.5x what I’m doing this year.
I still struggle and work on paying down a lot of debt, and put most of my book money back into my business. My shoes have holes in them and I wait for my birthday to come up until I beg a relative to buy me new shoes because that’s a “luxury” for me at the moment. I still give away hundreds of my books and buy other author’s books every week.


1) Pick your goals and work toward it, no exceptions.
2) Be willing to put in the time. And a lot of it.
3) Unless you just want a hobby, treat this like a business.
4) Sleep. Get lots of sleep, or you’ll be less productive.
5) The best way to sell a book is write the next book.
There’s plenty more and I could go on and on, but this is just one author’s take on what life looks like when you work really hard and get one step closer to your goals. I’m nowhere near where I want to be yet, but one day I will be, and it will have made all the hard work worth it. There are tons of authors doing much more and much better than me, and that’s perfectly okay with me. We’re not competition, we’re peers.
But even if it never pays off, I love what I do. I love my job, and I love working hard, and that’s all that’s ever going to matter in the long run. I’ve surrounded myself with a great group of people, my agent, my publisher, other authors, my family, my friends, etc, who make me a better version of myself and I love every moment of it. This is going to be my lifetime career, and I’m going to make it successful–no exceptions.
So, don’t be discouraged if your book isn’t selling, or you’re struggling to reach more readers, or you’re new and overwhelmed. It’s not an easy road for any of us. We’re all just trying to figure it out.
Just keep writing.


Go check out some of these awesome books listed in the comments of my “Little Guys” Post here!

[This post was originally published on Sarah’s Facebook profile here. Please follow her there (or on her page) for the most up to date information. For book information, please subscribe to her newsletter here.]

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That Time I Interviewed My Own Narrator

Breaking a Legend_Audio Cover

Listen Up, Y’all!

As everyone knows (I hope!), the first three novels in the Kavanagh Legends series is coming out as audio books this fall!

(PS: If you haven’t heard about it, I broke down the whole announcement here!)

We’re 1 week away from the first book, BREAKING A LEGEND, coming out on audio on September 6th, and I’m so, so excited!

Kavanagh Legends 3 Book Collage

To celebrate, I interviewed/chatted with the narrator, Charles Constant, about the experience and we recorded it for all of you to listen to, and, hopefully, enjoy!

Charles Constant, Narrator
Charles Constant, Narrator

Also, I apologize in advance for my 4-yr-old sounding voice and lisp, because 🙈. I’m not a public speaker, y’all! I never have been, and I’ve always had a lisp that I really hate. It sounds so much worse drunk, so thankfully, I was sober during this.

You’re welcome for my sacrifice.

Moving on. 

Click the play button below to hear the 23-min long interview!
Yes, it’s that long. I’m sorry. But hopefully, it’s interesting enough you won’t notice!

And in case you’re interested in reading/listening to these books (please be interested!) I’ll include the links and information about releases below!

Thanks for letting me interview you, Charles! You’re the best!

Breaking a Legend on Audio – Coming Sept 6, 2016
Saving a Legend on Audio – Coming Oct 18, 2016
Becoming a Legend on Audio – Coming Dec 13, 2016

Breaking a Legend is already available as a digital e-book, so grab it today and you wont have to wait. Purchase it here!

Breaking a Legend_Robinson-2

So, is Saving a Legend! Grab the ebook of that here!

FINAL Saving a Legend Cover

You can preorder the digital ebook of Becoming a Legend now, because it releases on the same day as the audio! Check it out here.

Becoming a Legend_Robinson

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When You’re Trying To Be Productive But You Have Cats


Cat Life Meets Author Life

Me at desk trying to write.
Whirring noise irritating me. “Shoot, I need to refill the dog fountain before it starts whistling and screeching.”
Gets up from desk. Walks toward kitchen.
Sees cat with tampons in her mouth.
Chases cat down and removes said tampon. Minimal scratches, yet maximum cursing occur.
Investigates where tampon came from, because I taped the damn box up yesterday to avoid this exact situation from repeating.
Can’t find source of cat chewed tampons. Box is still taped. There’s a mystery source of tampons in my house somewhere.
Frustrated. Now needs more coffee. Makes coffee.
Walks around house in circles sipping coffee wondering why I got up in the first place and what I’m forgetting.
Washes a dish. Wipes the counter. Gives evil eye to cat. Still can’t remember what I was supposed to do.
20 min laters, goes to sit back at desk and write because #2booksin2months yall. #thestruggleisreal
“Oh, shit, I had to refill the dog water fountain.”
Gets up and goes to dog water fountain and FINDS A DAMN TAMPON IN IT and now I’m chasing the cat again and the fountain is still screeching and I’m seconds away from switching from coffee to wine.
On a separate note, cat for sale.
As in, I’ll pay you to take her.
#authorlife #amwriting #amtryingtowrite #RobinsonRamblings


[This post was originally published on Sarah’s Facebook profile here. Please follow her there (or on her page) for the most up to date information. For book information, please subscribe to her newsletter here.]


COMING OCT 4th: Not a Hero, A Marine Romance (Brand New Standalone)


Preorder Not A Hero: 
(Click on the desired retailer below to purchase!)
Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon AU | Amazon CA

I’m so excited to announce that I’m publishing my 7th indie book soon (9th published book total, and 11th book written!)! Eeks! I’m so excited to dip back into my roots, and bring you all a story I’ve been wanting to finish for so long. This story is not easy, and it’s subject matter is slightly dark, but it’s full of passion and characters you’re going to remember.

For the time being, this novel is going to be exclusive to Amazon Kindle for at least the first 90 days of release, but possibly longer. This means that it’s available to anyone who has the Kindle App (you can get it on any smart phone, tablet, computer, or a Kindle tablet!) and if you have Kindle Unlimited, you can get it FREE!

Last, but not least, this novel is a full-length standalone romance with graphic content and is going to be $2.99 during the preorder period and the first 2-ish weeks of release. After that, the price will rise, so if you’d like it, grab it now!

Thanks for giving this book a chance, and once you read it, please remember to leave a review!


Preorder Not A Hero: 

(Click on the desired retailer below to purchase!)
Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon AU | Amazon CA

This novel is available FREE on Kindle Unlimited, and is currently only available in the Amazon Kindle store.

From the bestselling author of the Kavanagh Legends MMA series, Sarah Robinson’s Not A Hero is an emotional standalone military romance where love battles trauma, and there can only be one victor.

Ex-Marine, Miles Kydd, is trying to readjust to civilian life after ending his career and returning to his small home town when he learned his father was diagnosed with a terminal illness. Once the town hero and star quarterback, Miles no longer feels like the man he was, or who he’s expected to be—possibly because his demons have followed him home from Afghanistan.

Meeting Zoe Brooke, his father’s live-in nurse, gives Miles the slightest glimmer of hope that he can still find happiness despite the dark secrets he holds inside. The chemistry between them is undeniable, and together they are explosive—in more ways than one.

A helper at her core, Zoe is more than willing to care for Miles’s heart, but not at the expense of her own, and she’s not afraid to tell him that. She knows what having a painful past is like, and she wants to help him with his, if he’ll let her.

Things get complicated fast when Miles realizes burying his secrets isn’t actually the same as healing from them and if he wants the girl, he’s going to have to tell her the truth—the one thing he can’t do.

This book is suggested for 18+ years of age, contains graphic content, sensitive subject matters, and sexually explicit material.

Add ‘Not a Hero’ to GOODREADS!

Not a Hero: A Marine Romance




People Are More Important.

Trigger Warnings: Yay or Nay?

When you choose to be a public figure of any kind, including being an author, you’re choosing to bare a greater responsibility than most. With the privilege, power, and luxuries afforded to you in your position, there’s also an expectation that you’ll use those for the benefit of your followers or readers, or at the very least, not to the readers detriment.
This attitude of “I’ll write what I’ll write, no warning, readers be damned” has always shocked me. Write whatever you want–there’s nothing wrong with that. That’s what journals are for, or letters, or private blogs, or whatever you’d like to write to help you purge those stories from your soul.
Publishing, however, is an entirely different matter and not as cut and dry. Publishing is not a right. It’s not without its rules, as most retailer’s terms and conditions will attest to. And there’s a reason for that.
Your words matter. They affect people. Positive, and negatively. God forbid our words hurt a reader irreparably…would it have been worth it? Or would you wish you’d taken the time to put in a small sentence in your blurb giving those struggling a heads up? Would the potential minuscule spoiler for the masses be worth that one person’s life? To me, the choice seems clear, and yes, I feel that strongly about it.
While you can never write to please everyone, there is a basic level of respect and care for your readership that should be bare minimum. Write anything you want, however you want, and go ahead and publish it, if that’s what you want. But keep in mind that by publishing a book, you do have a responsibility to properly identify its content. Television shows, video games, news articles, allergies on foods, and the list can go on and on and on for other medias and fields that already do this, so why should books be exempt? It’s not a perfect system, and people will still fall through the cracks, but that doesn’t mean we don’t try.
It doesn’t have to be blatant, or spoil the story–it could just be vague enough to give a nod to those who struggle with triggering topics to make them do further research into exactly how triggering it may be. There are so many different ways to do this based on the author’s preference, like a small sentence disclaimer, a more specific blurb, a properly categorized genre, etc. This doesn’t harm the story, or censor the author, and so there’s no reason not to do it.
That may not be the popular opinion on social media today, but it’s certainly my belief.
Writing is important. Publishing is important.
People are more important.
EDITED TO ADD: This is not targeted at a specific book or author. I genuinely believe this applies to all books with relative content.

[This post was originally published on Sarah’s Facebook profile here. Please follow her there (or on her page) for the most up to date information. For book information, please subscribe to her newsletter here.]

Image Credit:


Exciting Book News: The Kavanaghs Are Coming to Audio!


The Kavanaghs are coming to Audio!

Exciting news from the Kavanagh Legends series, Penguin Random House has sold the audio rights to the first 3 Kavanagh books (Breaking a Legend, Saving a Legend, and Becoming a Legend) to Tantor Media! All 3 will become available as audio books in the near(ish) future!

To recap the books, the Kavanagh Legends series is contemporary romance that follows the saga of an Irish family in the Bronx, New York City, who collectively own a Mixed Martial Arts gym. With shadowy ties to the Irish mafia, the family of five alpha male brothers are gripping tales of love, redemption, and loyalty.

Kavanagh Legends 3 Book Collage

Through a collaborative effort, we’ve cast Charles Constant as the narrating voice for all three books. He has narrated dozens of audio books, including many romances, and is just as excited about this project as we are! He even claims to be the model on the cover of Breaking a Legend 😉 We’ll never say!

Charles Constant, Narrator
Charles Constant, Narrator

Stay up to date on the audio release dates by following Books by Sarah Robinson on Facebook, or subscribing to my newsletter!

Tantor Media has been awesome enough to list my novels on their website, and soon they will be ready to be added to your wishlists, and then ready to be purchased! I’ll update you as soon as that happens, of course! Find all 3 Kavanagh books listed here, or the series here, or click the individual links below!

Breaking a Legend on Audio
Saving a Legend on Audio
Becoming a Legend on Audio

I can’t wait for you all to experience the Kavanagh family in a whole new way! If you don’t want to wait, don’t forget- Breaking a Legend and Saving a Legend are already live as ebooks! And, of course,  Becoming a Legend is available on preorder and to release this December!

I’m so excited, and so grateful to everyone at Loveswept, Penguin Random House, as well as my amazing agent, Nicole Resciniti, of The Seymour Agency, for making this happen and being my biggest cheerleaders. Thank you!

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PS: You guys can listen to the interview I did with my narrator here!




Entering The World of Snapchat



This is very serious, you guys. I’m officially on a new social media platform, and I’m going to be honest… I’m obsessed. Snapchat is so fun–24 hours of pictures before * poof * gone!

Yes, it’s true–my dogs, cats, and other parasitic pets are the stars of my Snapchat stories, but don’t you worry, I also post TONS of selfies. Just what you wanted…I know! There’s some book news on there too, when it comes up, but mostly it’s just me living my life with tons of funny filters 🙂

Also, did you know the filters work on dogs and cats?!?!?! This is very important to know. I will be using this OFTEN.

Come follow me at @booksbysarahrob! 


[This post was originally published on Sarah’s Facebook profile here. Please follow her there (or on her page) for the most up to date information. For book information, please subscribe to her newsletter here.]


Writer’s Tip: Set Easy, Random Goals in Vibrant Colors


For all the writer’s out there:

Set little, random word count goals for yourself with little treats and rewards along the way. I learned this trick from Rachel Hollis’ Snapchat, and it makes me so productive! I love it, and get in so many more words every day because of it! 😀

Also, I got this notebook at Staples or Office Depot, who knows, and it’s the brand Poppin (no, not a paid endorsement). I also have their pens, paperclips, and other random office supplies from them and I love it. Why? Vibrant colors! I need it for my creativity, and it works wonders.

So, go out to your local office supplies store and buy a notebook that speaks to you and makes you feel excited–be vain about it! Then come home and write all the damn words.

EDIT (9/1/16): I still do this today and it’s helped me write 3 books in the last 5 months! I’m unbelievably more productive, and loving it! 

[This post was originally published on Sarah’s Facebook profile here. Please follow her there (or on her page) for the most up to date information. For book information, please subscribe to her newsletter here.]
